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Netherlands, EST Art Foundation; “Circle in Circle”, Leiden (NL)

My work can leave my studio again and I am happy about that! I hope to see you in Leiden at the group exhibition Circle in Circle, organised by EST art foundation.

Last spring, I experienced a retreat during which a special shift took place. A shift from experiencing myself as an isolated and mainly very practical individual, wanting to have a grip on life from the head, to a more all-embracing feeling of unity, love and silence. A similar motion is taking place in the works I show at Circle in Circle. This series of works is called APPROACH; two mirrored patterns seek to approach each other and eventually form one whole together.

Meta Knol will open the exhibition on 11 August 2024 at 15:00.

EST art foundation
Papegaaisbolwerk 20
2312 LW Leiden

The exhibition is on display from 11 August to 15 September 2024 on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 13:00 – 17:00 and by appointment.
